Wayfinding across complex indoor and outdoor sites
Powerful indoor and outdoor routing algorithms
When we import the floor plans of a building, a routing network is created from rooms, along corridors, between floors and through the building entrances and across campus walkways.
Connections to the national map allow seamless end-to-end multi-modal navigation taking into account impaired mobility wayfinding requirements such as avoiding steep slopes or stairs.
Likewise, maps can be easily configured for management purposes to offer alternative routing (e.g. for visitor tours and open days, or to avoid temporary works).

Routing Features
Step-by-step indoor and outdoor navigation e.g. to show and route to designated or nearest locations (e.g. toilets, cafés, car parking space), in addition to estimated walking times.
The ability also to route to and from mobile objects (e.g. assets, personnel).
A variety of wayfinding route options according to preference and need, beyond the shortest route: e.g. step-free routes for wheelchair users and others with impaired mobility, or dry (mostly indoor) routes.
The ability to vary route availability according to user role or the application being used, for example, to offer as required different admin/staff/public routing paths, or routes tailored to open days and site visitors.
Auto re-routing, for example around closed paths, including the ability to time-restrict access, as necessary.

Managing paths and Informing users of disruptions
Authorised users can post notifications to the map, to disable paths or elevators, or to add hazards that may affect specific users. Door opening and closing times are integrated with the system to synchronise with the navigation engine, so as to ensure valid, around-the-clock routes are always presented to the user.